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Right to Buy

Right to Buy - buy back

1. Why do I have to offer my property back to the council?

All properties (freehold and leasehold) sold under Right to Buy legislation since 18 January 2005 contain a covenant which compels the owner, if the property is offered for sale within ten years of the original purchase, to offer the property back to us.

2. What do I need to do to offer my property to the council?

  1. Download and fill out the Buy back / right of first refusal form. Save it to your device. 
  2. Use the online Contact us form, to send it to us by selecting the 'all other enquiries' option from the drop-down list. 
  3. Add your details and upload the completed form as an attachment.

Alternatively, write to us at Norwich City Council, City Hall, Norwich, NR2 1NH, with the following information:

  • A statement from the owner or trustee saying that they wish to dispose of the property
  • The full postal address of the property being offered
  • State there is a covenant regarding buy-back under Right to Buy legislation.
  • Information about the type of property (eg ground floor flat, semi-detached etc), the number of bedrooms and details of the heating system
  • Details of any improvements or structural changes made since purchasing from the council
  • The open market value of the property
  • An address where correspondence can be sent.

3. Does the council have to buy my property?

No. We will consider whether or not to buy back a property on an individual basis. The decision whether or not to buy back a property will be determined by the following factors:

  • Capital funds available
  • Housing need and demand for the type of property being offered within the area it’s located
  • Additional costs for any refurbishment work being minimal (ie to bring the property up to the Norwich Standard)
  • It represents value for money.

4. Can I offer the property to another Registered Provider (RP)?

No, but we may consult with and nominate another RP to purchase, if there is interest in the property being offered.

5. What happens once I have sent my request?

We aim to acknowledge your letter within five working days of receipt. Your request will then be considered in line with our policy. If we need additional information we will contact you.

We have to provide you with either an ‘acceptance notice’ or a ‘rejection notice’ within eight weeks of receiving your enquiry. If we fail to provide this within eight weeks you may dispose of the property in accordance with the regulations.

A rejection notice lasts for 12 months, after which time a new rejection notice must be issued before the property may be sold.

6. Can I appeal?

No. There is no right to appeal because we are not required to buy back any property that is offered.

7. Is it possible to sell my property to the council if it falls outside of the legislation?

If you purchased your property under the Right to Buy scheme before the 2005 legislation came into effect, or if you’ve owned the home for more than ten years, we may still be interested in buying it from you.

Please provide us with the information required under the above question ‘What do I need to do to offer my property to the council?’ and we will consider your property in the same way, as we would for any other Right to Buy – Buy Back.

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