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My Norwich

Right to Buy

Right to Buy discounts

A discount is applied to the purchase price of the property, depending on the type of property and how long someone has been a qualifying tenant for.

From 6 April 2024, the maximum discount available is £102,400. This figure increases annually by a percentage equal to the percentage change in the consumer price index (rounded down to the nearest £100) and applied to applications received on or after 6 April 2024.

To calculate the discount, a percentage figure is applied to the value of the property. As of 26 May 2015 the following discount levels apply:

  • 3 years: 35% discount for a house and 50% discount for a flat
  • 4 years: 35% discount for a house and 50% discount for a flat
  • 5 years: 35% discount for a house and 50% discount for a flat
  • 6 years plus – add 1% per year for houses (up to 70% or the cash maximum – whichever is lower), add 2% per year for flats (up to 70% or the cash maximum – whichever is lower).


An applicant lives in a house valued at £210,000 with a tenancy history of 20 years.

Qualifying % = 35% (up to 5 years tenancy) + 15 x 1% = 50%

Based on a property valuation of £210,000 x 50% = £105,000

In this case, the maximum discount of £102,400 is applied. Therefore the house would be offered for sale at £107,600.

Right to Buy calculator

Use the online calculator to give you a rough guide to what discount you may be eligible for.

Right to Buy discount calculator

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