This supplementary planning document (SPD) will replace the previous adopted SPD (2015) and supplements Joint Core Strategy policy 4 and Norwich Local Plan policy DM33. References to Joint Core Strategy policy 4 no longer apply. The JCS has been superseded by the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) following its adoption on 12 March 2024. Affordable Housing policy requirements can be found in GNLP Strategic Policy 5.
- Affordable housing SPD (Adopted 1 July 2019)
- Affordable housing adoption statement
- Affordable housing regulation 12(a) statement
At the point of adoption the relevant version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and accompanying Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) was as published in July 2018, which informed the SPD. This requires local authorities to ‘deliver a sufficient number and range of homes to meet the needs of present and future generations.
Plans should set out the contributions expected from new development, including setting out the levels and types of affordable housing provision required. Such policies should not undermine the viability of the plan.
Key aspects of the revised draft SPD include the following:
- The extent to which the proposed affordable housing meets the identified needs in Norwich will be taken into account in the determination of individual planning applications.
- Affordable housing will be required on sites of 10 or more residential units.
- Affordable housing will be encouraged for development proposals for care homes and purpose built student accommodation on residential or residential-led local plan allocations via a commuted sum.
Provision of affordable housing on-site is the city council’s preferred approach, and is also the preference set out in government guidance. This promotes social inclusion and the design of individual sites should take account of this objective.
Development viability is a material consideration currently affecting the implementation of Affordable Housing policy (previously JCS Policy 4, superseded by GNLP Policy 5). Details are set out in this document of the circumstances where non-viability of sites can be demonstrated, the council’s approach to the circumstances in which reduced on site provision, or provision of off-site via a commuted sum, will be accepted.
The SPD provides best practice guidance in relation to what should be contained in viability assessments in order to better inform developers of the council’s expectations and ease the process at planning application stage. In accordance with PPG guidance, any viability assessment should be prepared in the basis that it will be made publicly available (including published online) for scrutiny, other than in exceptional circumstances.
Consultation of the Affordable Housing SPD 2019
The revision to the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (2015) has been through the statutory consultation process. A draft document was subject to public consultation between Thursday 17 January and Thursday 14 February 2019.
All documents relating to this proposed revision and consultation, including responses to the consultation document, can be viewed on the Affordable Housing closed consultation page.