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My Norwich

Monitoring the Local Plan

Monitoring reports and the five year land supply

The annual monitoring report (AMR) reviews the progress and implementation of policies in the Joint Core Strategy and the Local Plan. It also outlines the five year land supply position across the Greater Norwich, provides an update with regard to the Duty to Co-operate as introduced by the Localism Act 2011 and updates the Sustainability Appraisal baseline data.

The monitoring year runs from 1 April to 31 March in any year.

From monitoring year 2010-11, the AMR has been prepared at Greater Norwich level which includes Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk districts. See the AMRs on the Norwich Growth Board website.

The AMR for monitoring year 2021-22 can temporarily be found here until it is provided on the Greater Norwich Growth Board website

For the monitoring years 2004-2010, the AMR was prepared by Norwich City Council. To view these reports, please email 

Retail monitoring

Norwich is an attractive and diverse retail and visitor destination of regional significance and, in terms of ‘Top Shopping Venues’ maintains its place among the top fifteen nationally. The city centre is the most accessible and sustainable location for retail, leisure, office, cultural and tourism related development.

Retail uses are critical in underpinning the city centre’s continued vitality and viability; however an appropriate diversity of other town centre uses such as restaurants, cafes, financial services, leisure and cultural uses, residential and office based employment help support the economic vitality and health of the city centre, for people of all ages throughout the day and evening.

Regular monitoring of change in retail frontages ensures that any thresholds applied in policy remain relevant and necessary. Conclusions and main issues will also form part of the Annual Monitoring Report published by the Greater Norwich Development Partnership (GNDP).

Norwich city centre shopping floorspace monitor

Please note: the city centre retail monitor and the local and district centres briefing note have been amalgamated into one report from 2013 onwards.

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