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Annual canvass

Each year we are required to undertake an Annual Canvass of all households in the Norwich district to check that the information held on the electoral register is correct.

We may contact you in a variety of ways including email, post or a visit from a canvass officer (if you’ve not responded to our initial contact attempts).  

Annual Canvass 2024

We will be sending correspondence from August onwards to check that the details held on the electoral register at your address are up to date. Please respond as soon as possible to avoid further contact or a personal visit to your household. 

Key dates

The Annual Canvass begins in August 2024:

  • Canvass emails sent from 5 August 
  • Canvass forms will be hand-delivered from 31 August
  • If required, door knockers will begin visiting properties from 30 September 

How should I respond?

If you receive an email:

  • Click on the link provided
  • Type in your security codes
  • Complete and amend the information as necessary, and then submit the form
  • Please note the email will be from:
  • If you do not respond to the email, a paper form will be sent to your address.

If you receive a letter: 

The letter will contain instructions telling you whether you need to respond. 

If you are required to respond, or need to update any of the information given on the form, there are two ways to do so:

  • Online via the Household Response website (you will need the security codes on your letter)
  • Amend and send the letter to Electoral Services, Norwich City Council, City Hall, Norwich, NR2 1NH

Please remember:

  • Being registered for Council Tax does not automatically place you on the Register of Electors.
  • If you move house you need to register to ensure all eligible adults are registered at the new address (if you receive a canvass form you need to respond to it and then you will still need to register)

The Register of Electors is often used to confirm an individual's address, especially if they are applying for credit such as a mortgage, personal loan or even a mobile telephone. If you are not registered you can be refused credit as well as losing your right to vote.


If you know that you are not registered, visit the government's Register to vote.

You need to be included on the register if you are:

If you require a form to register or need help or advice please get in touch with the Electoral Services team.

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