Each non-domestic property has a rateable value which is set by the Valuation Office Agency. A full list of all rateable values can be found on www.voa.gov.uk. The rateable value of your property is shown on the front of your rates bill. This broadly represents the yearly rent the property could have been let for on the open market on 1 April 2008.
The valuation officer may alter the rateable value if the circumstances of the property change. The ratepayer (and certain others who have an interest in the property) can appeal against the rateable value if they consider it is incorrect.
Further information about the grounds on which appeals may be made and the process for doing so can be found on the www.gov.uk website or obtained from your local valuation office.
Rosebery Court, Central Avenue, St Andrew's Business Park, Norwich NR7 0HS.
Helpline: 03000 501501.
Successful appeals shown in the rating list that came into force on 1 April 2010 will normally be backdated, although there are some exceptions. Further details can be found on the VOA website.
Transitional arrangements
The business rates transitional relief scheme was introduced in 2010 to help those ratepayers who were faced with higher bills. The scheme ends on 31 March 2015 and as a result a small number of ratepayers will face a jump to their full rates bill from 1 April 2015. A new Norwich City Council relief will allow for the extension of transitional relief, for ratepayers who meet the policy criteria, to 31 March 2017.
Any transitional adjustments are shown on your bill. Further information about transitional arrangements and other reliefs may be obtained from Norwich City Council. See business rates explanatory notes.
Rating advisers
Ratepayers do not have to be represented in discussions about the rateable value on their rates bill, and appeals against rateable values can be made free of charge. However, if to you wish be represented you should be aware that members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS www.rics.org) and the Institute of Revenues, Rating & Valuation (IRRV www.irrv.org.uk) are qualified and are regulated by rules of professional conduct designed to protect the public.
Before employing a rating adviser, you should check that they have the necessary knowledge and expertise, as well as indemnity insurance. Take care and, if necessary, seek further advice before entering into any contract.