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Anglia Square planning application - public inquiry

Decision on Anglia Square (12 November 2020)

For more information about the Secretary of State’s final decision and the planning inspector’s report and recommendation download the decision.

Planning application reference: 18/00330/F

Site Address: Anglia Square including land and buildings to the north and west Norwich.

Description of development: Application for planning permission for the comprehensive redevelopment of Anglia Square and adjacent land on Edward Street for up to 1,250 dwellings, hotel, ground floor retail and commercial floorspace, cinema, multi-storey car parks, place of worship and associated works to the highway and public realm areas.

Applicant’s name: Weston Homes Plc and Columbia Threadneedle
Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/G2625/V/19/3225505
Planning Inquiry Reference (Norwich City Council): 19/00007/CALLIN

On 21 March 2019 the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government notified Norwich City Council of his decision to exercise his powers under section 77 of the 1990 Act and call-in the Anglia Square planning application for his own determination. Arrangements for a local Inquiry have been made by the Planning Inspectorate. If you have any questions about the inquiry please contact: The Planning Inspectorate: Leanne Palmer 3/J Kite Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN. Telephone: 0303 444 5471.

The inquiry will begin 28 January 2020 and is expected to last for four weeks. It will take place in the Council Chamber at Norwich City Hall.

Documents submitted ahead of the inquiry are available to view below. All plans and documents submitted with the planning application, consultation responses, representations and the report considered by planning applications committee on 6 December 2018 are available to view on the planning access website by entering the planning reference 18/00330/F

Inquiry documents:

Viewing a copy of the documentation

A hard copy of the application documentation is available to view by appointment at the customer centre in City Hall, St Peters Street, Norwich, NR2 1NH.

Appointments are available Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm. You can make an appointment online or please call 01603 989342.

When made, the decision will be published on the Planning Inspectorate website.

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