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Planning appeals

How to appeal against a city council decision

If an application is refused, or approved, subject to conditions, and is thought to be unfair or unreasonable, the applicant can make an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.

Details of how to appeal are on the back of the Decision Notice or on the website.

There is no third party right to appeal (eg an objector who is unhappy with a decision to approve).

Making representation on an appeal

If a property is next to an appeal site, or comments were made on an application before it was decided, the city council will send written notification of this with details of the appeal. You will be invited to make any further comments directly to the Planning Inspectorate.

For householder, advertisement and minor commercial (shop front) appeals there will normally be no further opportunity to make a representation at the appeal stage. 

Recent and current planning appeals

Current and past planning appeals can be viewed on the Planning Public Access website.

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