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Sheltered housing

Assessing your needs

All residents in sheltered housing will have a welcome meeting with a support officer at the beginning of their tenancy.

This meeting sets out:

  • the support you need to maintain your independence
  • what we can offer directly 
  • where we agree to ask for help from other agencies.

During this meeting your support officer will:

  • talk to you about your needs
  • help you identify any issues that affect your ability to live as independently as possible in your home.

You will both then agree what support you need and who is best able to provide it.

If you are already getting support from another agency your support officer will discuss how we can work together to maintain your independence. 

You are free to invite someone to attend the meeting with you.

Please remember that you can ask for assistance from your support officer at any time, we appreciate that over time your support needs may change

What you can expect from the welcome meeting

Our main standards are set out below:

  • You should feel comfortable at all stages of the process and during the meeting
  • This meeting should be held at a time and place that is convenient for you
  • We will treat you with dignity and respect
  • We will normally arrange the welcome meeting with you within 14 days of you moving into the property
  • The information provided will be processed in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Read our privacy notice for details.
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