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Gambling policy

The Gambling Act 2005 requires licensing authorities to publish a Licensing Policy which outlines how the authority intends to deal with applications etc. under the Act.

We have produced a Draft Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles (Gambling Policy) 2019

This has been approved by our licensing committee, and will be formally ratified at full council as soon as this is possible. Once ratified the council to advertise and publish the statement for a period of four weeks before it takes effect.

Local area profile

The updated guidance from the Gambling Commission for licensing authorities recommends that, like operators, licensing authorities complete and map their own assessment of local risks and concerns by developing local area profiles to help shape their statements (although there is no requirement to do this).

The objective of the profiles is to set out what the local area is like, what risks this might pose to the licensing objectives, and what the implications of this are for the licensing authority and operators.

We have taken the decision to produce a Local Area Profile.

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