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Review of premises licences

All pubs, nightclubs, off-licences and late night takeaways must have a licence from us in order to trade.

Asking for a review

Anyone who lives close to and feels affected by a licensed premises can ask us to review its licence. However, in the first instance, you are advised to try and reach an agreement with those involved with the premises in question, or by contacting us on 0344 980 3333, or the police.

If these measures fail, you can apply to us to review the licence. The grounds for a review must relate to one of the licensing objectives, which are:

  • Prevention of crime and disorder.
  • Promotion of public safety.
  • Prevention of public nuisance.
  • Protection of children from harm.

We can reject any ground for review if we consider it to be frivolous, vexatious or repetitious.

Applying for a review

Download an application form

Make a note of the name and address of the premises and describe specific incidents such as dates and times and how long the disturbance lasted on the incident form.

When applying for a review it is important to remember that a copy of your application will be made available to the public and you should be willing to present your views to our licensing sub-committee. You cannot apply for a review anonymously.

On the same day that you submit your review application to us, you must also send copies to:

  • the holder of the premises licence
  • each responsible authority.

Contact details of responsible authorities

The contact details for the relevant responsible authorities are shown below. We will check to confirm that you have done this.

Licensing office
Norwich City Council, City Hall St Peters Street Norwich, NR2 1NH
01603 989400

The Police
Norfolk Constabulary Licensing Team
Building 8 (OCC)
Falconers Chase
NR18 0WW

Fire Service
Norfolk Fire Safety Department, Carrow Fire Station, 63 Bracondale, Norwich, NR1 2EE
Tel: 01603 810351
Fax: 01603 229034

Health and safety
Mr Chris Gooding, Health and safety team leader, Norwich City Council, City Hall, St Peters Street, Norwich, NR2 1NH
01603 989373

Environmental health
Mr Richard Divey, Norwich City Council, City Hall, St Peters Street, Norwich, NR2 1NH
01603 989322

Planning development manager, Norwich City Council, City Hall, St Peters Street, Norwich, NR2 1NH
0344 980 3333

Norfolk Safeguarding Children Board
Room 60, Lower ground floor, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2UG 

Trading Standards
Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2UD
0344 800 8020

Health Authority
Public Health Directorate, Room 210 North Wing, Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DH

Home Office
Home Office (Immigration Enforcement), Alcohol Licensing Team, Lunar House, 40 Wellesley Road, Croydon, CR9 2BY

Additional responsible authorities (for vessels)

Environment Agency
Eastern Area Office, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3 9JE

British Waterways Board
Dr John Packman, Chief Executive, Broads Authority, 18 Colegate, Norwich NR3 1BQ

Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Mr K Anam, Head of Survey, Yarmouth MRSC, Marine Office, 5th Floor, Havenbridge House, North Quay, Great Yarmouth, NR30 1HZ

Advertising a review

When we receive a request to review a premises licence, the application is advertised on or near the premises concerned and at the council offices. The advertising has to take place for 28 days and will contain details of the grounds for review. The name and address of the person who has applied for the review will be included in this information.

Hearing a review

We have one month, following the end of the advertising period, to hold a hearing to consider the review application. Everyone who has made representations, including the premises licence holder, will be invited to attend the hearing which will be open to the public. All papers relevant to the hearing will also be publicly available. This will include details of the person(s) who applied for the review.

The licence holder will be able to respond to the request for the review and is likely to be legally represented at the hearing. Both parties can call witnesses.

The review panel will want to find out all the fact about the problems being experienced as a result of the operation of the premises and will ask questions of yourself, your witnesses, the licence holder and their witnesses.

If the review panel, having heard all the facts, considers it necessary for the promotion of the licensing objectives, it can modify the licence conditions, exclude activities from the licence or suspend it. 

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