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Guidelines for using the Undercroft


The Undercroft is approximately 11m x 55m, the building slopes from the south end (nearest Forum) to the north end (nearest the Guildhall). It is located below the war memorial and all projects must be appropriate and respectful.

Conservations/ English Heritage

The Undercroft is a Grade II listed building so there can be no alterations, holes drilled etc whatsoever. All installation must be loose-fit and completely removed at the end of the exhibition. Any alterations much be approved by Norwich City Council’s conservation officer and, if necessary, English Heritage. The Undercroft must be returned to its original state at the end of the hire period.


The Undercroft is not accessible to visitors with mobility issues and therefore when the space is open to the public it is necessary to have a steward who will assist people entering via the ramp. A doorbell should be placed at the entrance to alert stewards if assistance is required.

Fire safety

The Undercroft is not fitted with a smoke alarm and the exit doors open inwards, therefore the number of people in the building must be limited to 60. This must include staff, performers, audience etc. The hirer will be responsible for writing a fire risk management plan which must be agreed by Norwich City Council. Where electrical equipment is installed it may be necessary to attach smoke detectors. These must be checked weekly. The Undercroft is fitted with emergency lighting so in the event of a power cut the lights will remain on.

Building leaks

The Undercroft is subject to some water ingress from the Memorial Gardens above when it rains heavily. As this is a listed building, repairs are regularly made to prevent water damage to any upcoming exhibitions. However, there will be on occasion the odd leak, so we ask that you bring waterproof coverings for your displays and any electrical cables are elevated from the floor should you wish to protect them. Norwich City Council will not be liable for any damages. Please ensure you do have Liability Insurance in place prior to your booking in case of any adverse weather during the hire period.

Should there be an emergency, please contact The Property Services Team out of hours on the number below:

t: 01603 786056

Please note, if The Property Services Team are called out of hours for minimal or generalised flooding that have already been discussed, you will be billed at the end of the hire period for the call out. The call outs are for extreme emergencies only.


All exhibitions must be agreed by Norwich City Council before going ahead, consideration will be given to the quality of the proposed work and reputation. The Undercroft has permanent planning permission for use as an exhibition space. All exhibitions/events in the space must have a Tenancy at Will agreement issued by NPS. Anyone using the space under a Tenancy at Will agreement will be liable to cover the business rates for the period.

Advertising your Event

Flyposting is illegal and involves placing unauthorised advertising e.g., posters, leaflets, or banners on public buildings and in public places. A fixed penalty notice of £80 will be issued to anyone caught displaying posters illegally.

Multiple or repeat offences may be reported to the courts for prosecution and could carry a fine of £2,500 for each offence. You may fix a banner across the railings at the front of the building only but not above. An Aboard is also permitted at the entrance to the Undercroft.


There is power in the Undercroft however this is limited (max 16amp) and your requirements must be agreed with Norwich City Council in advance. Meter readings will be taken at the beginning and end of the hire period. The hirer will be charged for electricity used. The lighting is on two strips which can be operated separately, individual lights/ bulbs must not be removed.

Risk management

The hirer must submit a full and detailed risk management plan with details of the installation of the exhibition, the operation and the de-installation. The hirer must also submit a schedule of works/ method statement and a site plan.


The hirer will be responsible for covering the cost of the building rates during the hire period. However, organisations with charitable status can apply for rate relief. The minimum amount of time the space can be hired for is three weeks.

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