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Guidelines for filming in Norwich

Norwich welcomes film-makers and is keen to encourage inward investment though photography, film making and television.  We are here to help.

This guidance sets out the application process for both small-scale and major productions.

If you are a student that has failed your institution’s self-certification and permission procedure (NUA, UEA), please follow the guidelines and application process.

You may need permission to film on streets, open spaces and council-managed locations. Some locations such as memorials may not be suitable for filming. Certain types of production may not be suitable for filming in public spaces if they cause offence or alarm.

For all filming we require Public Liability Insurance Cover or Third Party Risks (including products liability where appropriate) for a minimum of £5 million per claim and a site specific risk assessment.

The application process

  • Initial contact with the council should be at least two weeks in advance of filming.
  • If you require a road closure, an application of six weeks’ minimum is required.
  • You will need to complete the FIN2: Filming in Norwich application form and return it to
  • We will assess your application and let you know of local permissions you may require and any potential costs.
  • You will be required to sign a contract if you are hiring any land or buildings from Norwich City Council.

Your first point of contact

Please get in touch with us initially to discuss your requirements at least two weeks in advance of filming.

Creative England

Creative England Film provides comprehensive support to film-makers across England including help with filming on location:

Emergency services

You will need to keep them fully informed of:

  • staging of crime scenes, accidents and use of firearms
  • special effects, fires or explosions
  • impersonation of police officers, ambulance staff, fire officers or use of pseudo fire tenders.


The production company/film-maker will provide evidence of Public Liability Insurance Cover or Third Party Risks (including products liability where appropriate) for a minimum of £5 million (five million pounds) per claim.

Health and safety

The production company/film-maker has a legal responsibility to ensure the health, safety and welfare of any employees, volunteer helpers, contractors and public. A detailed risk assessment, in which all hazards should be identified, the level of risk assessed and appropriate action taken to reduce the risks to an acceptable level, must be completed and submitted with your application.

Method statement

In addition to the risk assessment, the production company/film-maker will produce a written method statement or plan of action describing what is to be filmed, how, where and who with and any additional information that will help others to understand what the activity involves.

Licences and permissions

It is the responsibility of the production company/film-maker to identify and gain all consents required. These may include planning permission, road closures, location agreements etc.

Respect for residents and members of the public

  • All neighbouring residents and businesses must be kept fully informed of the intentions of the production company/film-maker by a letter drop at least seven days in advance of filming. If less than seven days the production company/film-maker must contact any affected properties. The contact details of the location manager must be provided to enable residents to ask questions.
  • Noise and light pollution should be kept to a minimum, especially between 10pm and 8am.
  • No danger or annoyance should be caused by dazzling lights.
  • Access to homes and businesses should be kept clear at all times.
  • Equipment must not cause a hazard to the general public. Cables must be covered with matting or flown 2.6m above the footway or 5.2m above the carriageway.
  • If filming blocks a footway, an alternative and supervised route must be provided for pedestrians and agreed by the highways network manager.
  • Night shoots should be finished and de-rigged no later than 11pm, unless prior permission has been granted by Norwich City Council and the community has been consulted.

Observing designated areas

  • Film-makers' activities should be limited to the areas and times agreed.
  • Production vehicles should be parked where agreed at a pre-arranged time.
  • Engines should be switched off on arrival. Cast and crew should not park in the immediate vicinity of a location unless spaces are provided or permissions have been granted.
  • Crew members must not trespass onto neighbouring property or enter areas of a location which the owner has stipulated may not be used for filming.

Care of location

  • Rubbish bins must be made available by the company and cleared regularly.
  • Objects belonging to the location must not be moved, removed or altered without permission from the council.
  • No changes or alterations can be made to the fabric of the location or its buildings without consent or written permission from the council.
  • Location vehicles and structures must not cause damage to the highways, buildings and related fixtures and fittings.
  • All signs posted by the production company/film-maker must be removed.
  • The company must make good all damage caused by its activity immediately after filming and must notify all parties concerned.
  • The company must check the location before departure to ensure the venue has been restored to its original state and all rubbish has been removed. In certain circumstances Norwich City Council and the local emergency services may deem it necessary to impose additional stipulations which will be discussed on application.


  • The application for essential vehicles required on site that need close proximity to filming will be submitted on the application form. Normal charges will apply for parking.
  • It is not possible for parking services to authorise the use of yellow lines in advance of filming. However, council staff are available to accompany the crew on site visits where necessary to advise on the use of yellow lines at specific locations if required for an essential vehicle (eg  generator, lighting van). There will be a charge for this service.
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