Safer Norwich Strategy 2023-26
Key success measures
A safer city where:
- We will embed a joint problem-solving approach to locational anti-social behaviour across key partners and services.
- We develop key datasets and sources to understand ASB and those who perpetrate it.
- We will identify and resource effective interventions to support young people away from anti-social behaviour and crime.
- We work with residents to identify issues and shared responses.
- We continue to invest in our housing neighbourhoods – maintenance, estate improvements, and security measures.
A connected city where:
- We will identify our key partners and make sure they are signed up to the Safer Norwich Partnership Board.
- The Safer Norwich Partnership Board informs and influences the Norfolk County Community Safety Partnership (NCCSP).
- We will ensure that data products from NCCSP meet Norwich’s needs.
- We will produce an annual crime, ASB and community safety audit with agreed datasets and sources.
A supportive city where:
- We will develop key datasets and sources to understand issues around drug and alcohol related crime and inform development of effective interventions.
- Provide support and pathways for young people away from drug and alcohol related crime and vulnerability.
- Provide support for those experiencing substance and alcohol addiction.
- There is effective action to dismantle County Lines operations.
- Protecting individuals, households, and communities from the impact of drug-dealing and cuckooing.
A progressive city where:
- Victims of domestic abuse including young people and children are supported.
- We will map domestic abuse and sexual violence related data and intelligence and make sure effective data sharing agreements are in place.
- We will reduce reoffending by perpetrators of domestic abuse.
- We work to prevent and address sexual violence in the night-time economy.
- We achieve DAHA accreditation for Norwich City Council.