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Safer Norwich Strategy 2023-26


Our new Safer Norwich Strategy 2023 to 2026 provides a framework through which we will work with our residents and our partners to identity and deal with issues of concern - making our city a safe place to live, work and visit. 

The strategy sets out our priorities for the next three years:

  • Establish a new Safer Norwich Partnership Board to implement and develop an action plan and strategy delivery group.
  • Reduce neighbourhood crime and Anti-social Behaviour and increase residents’ feelings of safety.
  • Reduce the incidence and impact of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence.
  • Reduce harm, vulnerability and violence related to substance and alcohol misuse.

The Norwich Community Safety Partnership will include the Council, Police, Probation and Offender Services, the NHS, social housing organisations, and voluntary and community organisations, who will work together to tackle the causes and prevent crime and disorder holistically in Norwich.

The aim of the strategy and the partnership will be to deliver at a local level for our city and neighbourhoods. We will continue to take an active role in the Norfolk County Community Safety Partnership. This will  allow us to have a cohesive approach to all elements of community safety from a regional, local, and neighbourhood perspective.

Delivering this strategy will increase resident satisfaction and quality of life by improving services and making better use of council resources.

You can also download the Housing Management Strategy as a pdf.

If you would like this information in another language or format such as large print, CD or Braille please visit or call 0344 980 3333.


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