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Tenants' Annual Report 2022-23

Tenancy support

Sheltered Housing:

  • 919 sheltered housing properties across 26 schemes. 
  • Sheltered housing support officers continued to provide support throughout the year to tenants who needed it.
  • Winter gritting services was awarded to Ground Control following the decision by Norfolk County Council not to continue to offer this service to Norwich City Councils sheltered housing tenants.
  • Replacement programme for washing machines and tumble dryers was successfully completed (at sites where there are laundry facilities).
  • As part of our rolling programme of improvements 4 sites had upgrades to the alarm equipment and further upgrades are planned. 
  • The sheltered housing team leader and independent living manager held meetings at each scheme with a communal area to seek the view of the sheltered housing tenants.

Specialist support team

  • The role of the specialist support team is to support tenants to:
    • reduce the risk of them abandoning a property or being evicted
    • increase their ability to manage a healthy tenancy.
  • Some tenants have multiple and complex needs, which can increase the likelihood of tenancy related difficulties. 

Issues include unmanaged mental health, domestic abuse, financial hardship and social isolation.

  • The team supported 225 residents in 2022-23
    • 64% of tenants the specialist support team supported were referred to a range of partner agencies. Referrals were made to social services, Change Grow Live, money and budgeting advice, Men’s Shed, Wellbeing Service, mental health services, Turn the Tides, Moving forward, Green Light Trust, Norfolk Assistance Scheme. 
  • 91% of tenants supported in 2022/23 had rent payment plans in place and reduced rent arrears when work with the specialist support team ended.

Customer service

The majority of council services, including non-emergency repairs, can be accessed through simple forms on our website:

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