Browse the listed information and services below.
About your council
- Policies, plans and strategies
- Elections and voting
- Finance and transparency
- Councillors and decision making
- Committees and meetings
- Consultations
- Partnership working
- Equality and diversity
- Fraud
- Lord Mayor and Sheriff
- Commissioning
- Twinning
- Performance and open data
- Data protection and Freedom of Information (FOI)
- Norwich 2040 City Vision
- Senior Leadership Team and council directorate structure
- Property
Bins and recycling
Council tax
Benefits and support
Sports, parks and leisure
Events, tourism and culture
Local business
Environmental issues
Energy, climate and biodiversity
Contact us
Communities and neighbourhoods
Cemeteries and crematorium
Job opportunities
Emergency planning
Digital inclusion
Food, health and safety
Streets and travel
Coronavirus (COVID-19): latest information and advice
Cost of living support
Refugee support