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My Norwich

Food safety training courses

Whether you work in catering or simply want to gain new skills, we offer specialist food safety courses accredited by CIEH (the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health), which will show you how to produce food safely.

If you operate a food business you will be responsible for ensuring that anyone handling food are supervised, instructed and trained to a level appropriate to their duties.

The law does not require food handlers to complete a formal training course however, a certificate confirming they have passed a recognised course, is evidence of legal compliance.

CIEH Foundation Certificate in Food Safety

A one-day course suitable for people who handle open or unpackaged food.

Course information

  • Course times: Tuesdays from 9.30am to 4.30pm
  • Venue: Mancroft Room/Westwick Room (1st floor), Norwich City Council, St Peters Street, Norwich, NR2 1NH
  • Price: £69 per person (price includes course workbook and examination registration fee)

Dates for 2024

  • Tuesday 23 July – Mancroft Room
  • Tuesday 24 September – Mancroft Room
  • Tuesday 29 October – Mancroft Room
  • Tuesday 19 November – Westwick room

Book a place on the course

Food safety management course

Safer Food Better Business (SFBB) workshop

A half-day course suitable for business operators, managers or chefs, who would like advice and guidance on how to correctly complete and use the SFBB pack and diary.

Course information

Course times: Tuesdays from 9.30am to 1pm
Venue: Wymer Room, Norwich City Council, St Peters Street, Norwich, NR2 1NH
Price: £30 per person (price includes a copy of the SFBB pack)

Dates for 2024

  • Tuesday 28 May
  • Tuesday 16 July
  • Tuesday 10 September
  • Tuesday 15 October
  • Tuesday 12 November

Book a place on the course

If you are looking to attend a different course to those published, call 01603 989600. 

Terms and conditions

  • Courses are run subject to a minimum number of bookings.
  • A full refund will be given if Norwich City Council has to cancel a course.
  • Cancellation or non-attendance following a confirmed booking incurs the full course fee to cover administration costs.
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