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Licensing - Premises licence

Record details

In partnership with EUGO

New premises licence

A premises licence is required to authorise the use of a premises for licensable activities. This includes the sale or supply of alcohol, the provision of regulated entertainment and the provision of late night refreshment (the provision of hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am).

Any of the following may apply for a premises licence:

  • a person who carries on, or proposes to carry on, a business which involves the use of the premises for the licensable activities to which the application relates
  • a person who makes the application pursuant to:
    (i)any statutory function discharged by that person which relates to those licensable activities, or
    (ii)any function discharged by that person by virtue of Her Majesty’s prerogative
  • a recognised club
  • a charity
  • the proprietor of an educational institution
  • a health service body
  • a person who is registered under Part 2 of the Care Standards Act 2000 (c. 14) in respect of an independent hospital in Wales
  • a person who is registered under Chapter 2 of Part 1 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 in respect of the carrying on of a regulated activity (within the meaning of that Part) in an independent hospital in England
  • the chief officer of police of a police force in England and Wales
  • a person of such other description as may be prescribed

Please note - applicants must not be under 18 years of age.

How to apply

Will tacit consent apply?

Yes. This means that if you have not heard from us by the end of the target completion period of 56 calendar days (for new or variation applications) you will be able to act as though your application is granted.

Tacit approval does not apply for an application for a minor variation to a premises or club licence.


Appeals should be made to a magistrates court within 21 days of notice of the decision.

Related pages

Click here to see a list of premises licence applications received.

Click here to see a review of premises licences.

Regulation summary

A summary of the regulation relating to this licence

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