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East Norwich regeneration

The East Norwich development represents a transformative opportunity for regeneration of this area and the wider city.

It is an ambitious project to create a sustainable new urban quarter for the city, supported by the preparation of a masterplan for east Norwich and a commitment to substantial future investment. The development of the masterplan is one of the eight projects funded by the Towns Fund.

The plans for East Norwich support two of the key themes of the city council’s Covid-19 recovery plan - business and the local economy; housing, regeneration and development. They also support the Norwich 2040 City Vision which sets out five themes to underpin the future of Norwich – a city which is creative, fair, liveable, connected and dynamic.

Much of the area has long been earmarked for development. The Utilities site north of the Wensum and the Deal Ground and May Gurney sites south of the river are longstanding development opportunities. The announcement of the closure of the former Colman's and Britvic/Unilever Carrow Works site in 2018 further elevated the area’s regeneration potential. Together, these four large sites form the basis of the East Norwich masterplan area and are highlighted in the image below.

Norwich City Council’s purchase of Carrow House in 2021 has helped open the door to the possibility of substantial future investment in the site.

East Norwich masterplan key sites - Carrow Works, Deal Ground, May Gurney, Utilities - Copyright Google Earth
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