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Pavement licence

A pavement licence is granted by the local authority and allows the licence holder to place removable furniture over certain highways. This will be adjacent to the premises in relation to which the application was made and for the purposes of supplying food or drink. 

Pavement licences are exclusively for the use of furniture pertaining to the consumption of food and drinks such as tables and chairs. Other furniture such as advertising boards is not included.

Where a pavement licence is granted, clear access routes on the highway will need to be maintained, considering the needs of all users, including disabled people.

Applicants are advised to consider the government guidance within: Inclusive Mobility. A Guide to Best Practice on Access to Pedestrian and Transport Infrastructure (PDF). Section 4.2 sets out that under normal circumstances, a footway width of 2,000mm is the minimum that should be provided. If this is not feasible due to physical constraints, then a minimum width of 1,500mm could be regarded as the minimum acceptable under most circumstances, as this should enable a wheelchair user and a walker to pass each other. 

A pavement licence will only normally be considered appropriate between:

  • 8am to 10:30pm, Sunday to Thursday
  • 8am to 11pm, Friday and Saturday

If a licence is granted it will be for a period of up to two years. 

Before making an application you will need:

  1. a copy of a current certificate of insurance that covers the activity for third party and public liability risks, to a minimum value of £5 million
  2. a plan/map showing the location of the premises shown by a red line, so the application site can be clearly identified
  3. a plan clearly showing the proposed area covered by the licence in relation to the highway, if not to scale, with measurements clearly shown. The plan must show the positions and number of the proposed tables and chairs, together with any other items that they wish to place on the highway. The plan shall include clear measurements of, for example, pathway width/length, building width and any other fixed item in the proposed area (minimum width of 1.5m clear access enable a wheelchair user and a walker to pass each other). 
  4. to show where the proposed area falls wholly or partly in front of another premises, written agreement from the owner/occupier of that premises
  5. photos or brochures showing the proposed type of furniture and information on potential siting of it within the area applied for
  6. a copy of the completed required public notice and evidence that it has been displayed, such as a photograph of it outside the premises

Making the application

  1. Complete the online application form, upload supporting documents and make the online payment of £100.
  2. On the day the application is to be submitted, complete and display the public notice and photograph it in situ. This must be in place for 14 full days, starting with the day after the application is submitted.

Apply for a licence

Making the decision

The licensing team will consult with Norfolk County Council Highways, Norfolk Constabulary, Norwich City Council Environmental Protection Team, Norwich City Council Food and Safety Team and Inclusive Norwich. Members of the public can also make representations. 

Once the 14-day consultation period has passed the licensing team will consider any objections or comments made, before deciding on whether to grant the licence, and you will be notified accordingly.

If this decision is not made within 14 days from the end of the consultation period, then the licence will be deemed granted as applied for, but subject to the published standard conditions.

A copy of the standard conditions is included in our policy document along with further details of how applications are made and considered. Please note that there have been legislative amendments made to the provisions introduced by the Business and Planning Act 2020 by the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023.

Pavement licensing policy

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