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Space, Skills and Stuff

Space, Skills and Stuff workshops

To bring people together, as part of our Get Involved programme

These workshops have been designed to support those working in their neighbourhoods to meet and get to know one another while also helping those community organisations and residents identify all the amazing things they have locally in the form of spaces to use, their skills to share and the ‘stuff’ they have to lend.

It’s a fun and interactive way to meet new people and discover all the hidden gems in your neighbourhood. 

They are a perfect starting point if:

  •  your group is new at working together and would like help meeting
  •  you have a planned issue you’d like to tackle with others such as antisocial behaviour or a neglected community space you want to regenerate
  • you want to meet and partner with other groups around a common theme, for example others who volunteer in parks or work around food poverty in the city.

The workshops are a great way to start a local partnership and offer an opportunity to grow those relationships in the longer term. 

If you want to nominate your neighbourhood for a workshop or you see an opportunity for one to be delivered, email:

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