If you feel you are being targeted for harassment due to a specific difference or characteristic protected in law, you can report this to us as a hate crime or incident via our online form, or alternatively report it directly to the police.
A hate incident is any that is seen by the victim or another person as being motivated by prejudice or hatred towards a person because of their:
- cultural, ethnic, national or racial origin
- sexual orientation
- gender or gender identity
- age
- disability
A hate incident could involve:
- name-calling
- making threats to people, their homes or property
- abusive letters or graffiti
- Some other form of intimidation or harassment that makes someone feel uncomfortable.
Further information
- Community safety partnerships - https://www.norfolk-pcc.gov.uk/
- Report a hate crime - https://www.norfolk.police.uk/
- Stop hate in norfolk (SHiN) - https://www.norfolk.police.uk/