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Housing benefit

Housing Benefit is being replaced by Universal Credit. You should check if you are eligible for Housing Benefit on before beginning a claim.

Housing benefit helps you pay all or some of your rent if you’re on a low income. The amount of housing benefit you can receive depends on:

  • your family circumstances
  • your income from working and other benefits
  • any savings and investments you have
  • the circumstances of other people you have living with you.  

 You can check your entitlement to Housing Benefit before making a claim by using a benefit calculator. This will also tell you if there is any other support that you are potentially able to receive.

Who can make a claim? 

You can claim Housing Benefit if:

  • you have reached state pension age
  • you live in accommodation that provides care or support 
  • you have been placed in accommodation as a temporary measure

If the list above does not apply to you, you will need to claim Universal Credit instead for help with paying your rent.

If you are eligible for Housing Benefit

If you are eligible for Housing Benefit, you may be able to claim Council Tax Reduction at the same time.

Make a new claim on Benefits Online

Evidence we need

When you make a claim you will be required to submit evidence. You can do this at the time of your application, if you have it ready to upload. However, do not delay in submitting your claim to us  – you can submit any evidence later.

Evidence you need to provide

When we have all the evidence we need, we will write to you with our decision. If you disagree with our decision you are entitled to appeal it.

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