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Local economy

The Norwich economy

The Economic Strategy 2019-24 provides the foundation for growth and for helping to achieve the council’s priority of “a prosperous and vibrant city”.

The strategy is informed by the 2021 Norwich economic assessment which provides the economic baseline. This assessment incorporates the latest data from national and local sources on the city of Norwich (focussing on the local authority area) as a place to do business, work and live.

The city of Norwich sits in the largely rural county of Norfolk although its level of influence reaches further into the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership area and beyond. As a key economic driver for the East it is important to be able to measure the city’s true economic characteristics and growth potential as an aid to the future planning of housing and economic growth. Norwich City Council commissioned GVA/Hatch to produce a detailed economic assessment of the urban economy of Norwich and its functional economic area i.e. the Norwich Policy Area,  as a basis for assessing its future growth potential, the economic research reports are linked below.

Norwich Policy Area economic analysis

Norwich Economic Barometer

The Norwich Economic Barometer offers a monthly round-up of business news and a snap-shot of the local economy by analysing the most up to date official statistics.

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External websites

New Anglia - Local Enterprise Partnership for Norfolk and Suffolk

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