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Pay it

You can make payments using our 24-hour secure internet payments service, with most major credit or debit cards.

Read our privacy policy for information about what we do with your personal data.

Payment instructions for Apple Mac users

There is a known issue with Google Chrome on some Apple Mac computers which is affecting online payments. Please use Safari or an alternative browser.

When making a payment please ensure you do not refresh the screen during the payment as this may result in duplicate payments.

Pay by direct debit

Spread the cost of your bills over 12 months and choose a monthly payment date if you pay by Direct Debit:

Pay by phone

Pay anytime, any day using the freephone payment hotline 0800 021 7784.

Payments from abroad

Please quote the following:

  • International Bank Account Number (IBAN): GB25 BARC 2062 6130 8213 49
  • SWIFT/ BIC code: BARC GB22. 

Contact us

If you have any problems carrying out transactions use the online contact us form or call 0344 980 3333, 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.

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