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Licensing - Temporary event notice

Record details

In partnership with EUGO

You will need to apply for a Temporary Events Notice (TEN) if you want to carry out a licensable activity for a short period of time on an unlicenced premises.

Licensable activities include:

  • retail sale of alcohol (at any time)
  • provision of regulated entertainment (at any time)
  • provision of hot food or hot drink (between 11pm and 5am).

You will also need to apply for a TEN if a licensable activity (or times when it is to be carried out) is not included in the terms of your existing licence, for example holding a wedding reception at a community centre.

A ‘late TEN’ can be submitted in exceptional circumstances.

The premises user does not need to be a personal licence holder.

Event limitations

  • No more than 499 people at any one time may be on the premises (including staff).
  • The event must last no more than 168 hours (7 days).
  • There must be a minimum of 24 hours between events.
  • You must be 18 years or older to apply for a TEN.

Number of notices you can apply for per calendar year

You will need a TEN for each event you hold, up to a maximum of:

  • 15 TENs per premises per calendar year
  • 50 TENs per calendar year if you are a personal licence holder
  • 5 TENs per calendar year if you are not a personal licence holder.

Late notices

These also count towards your total number of permitted TENs and are restricted to the maximum of:

  • 10 per calendar year for personal licence holders
  • 2 per calendar year for non-personal licence holders


£21 payable on application, by credit or debit card (or by cheque if applying by post).

This fee is non-refundable in the event that the notice is withdrawn, invalid or subject to a counter notice, including if the application is made to the wrong licensing authority.

Please ensure that the premises proposed to be used is located within the Norwich City Council area.

How to apply

You must submit your TEN at least 10 clear working days (ie Monday to Friday) before the event, not including the day the TEN is received by us or the day the event is due to take place. Please remember to allow for bank holidays.

You can also submit a Late TEN, between 5 and 9 working days before the event. (This should not include the day the notice is submitted or the day of the event).

Apply online

  1. Before you complete the application form, download and save it to your PC/device from the website. If you are having problems accessing this form you can apply by post below.
  2. Enable all features to complete the form, then follow the instructions to upload it to the website and submit with your fee.
  3. We will send a copy of your application to the relevant authorities.

Apply for a temporary event notice on

See guidance notes

Apply by post

Alternatively, you can download and print the application form and guidance, and post it to us with a cheque (payable to Norwich City Council). You must send copies of your notice to the council’s licensing section, environmental health and the police, no later than 10 working days before the event period.

City Hall
St Peters Street

Environmental Protection
Norwich City Council
City Hall
St Peters Street
Norwich, NR2 1NH
t: 01603 212515

Norfolk Police Licensing Team
Norwich Police Station
Bethel Street

We will acknowledge receipt of the notice in writing before the end of the first working day it is received or before the end of the second working day if the day the notice is received is not a working day.

If you do not receive an objection notice from the police or environmental health you will be able to act as though your application is granted.


Only the Police and Environmental Health may object to an event taking place and this must relate to one or more of the licensing objectives.

If the Police or Environmental Health object to the event they must give the premises user and licensing authority an objection notice within 3 working days following the day of receipt of your TEN.

If there is an objection, our licensing committee must hold a hearing (meeting) to determine whether the event may proceed with or without modification, or to issue a counter notice.

If there is an objection to a late TEN, the event will not be allowed to proceed.

We will issue a counter notice if the number of permitted TENs has been exceeded.

How to appeal

If you disagree with the licensing committee’s decision, you can appeal to your local magistrates’ court. You must do this within 21 days, and at least 5 working days before the date of your event. Please contact us in the first instance, using the details below.

Displaying your notice

You must keep your TEN in a safe place where the event is held. You must also display a copy of the notice where it can be easily seen.

If you don’t have a TEN and carry out an activity that you should have a licence for (or allow your premises to be used for one), you can be fined, sent to prison for up to 6 months, or both.

Change of circumstances

Once the notice is submitted it cannot be altered to extend the time or type of activity, however if there are changes such as alteration to the applicants contact details, please advise us as soon as possible on 01603 989400 of any changes.

Contact details

Online: contact us form
Phone: 01603 989400

City Hall
St Peters Street

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