Fly-posting is illegal and involves placing unauthorised advertising eg posters, leaflets or banners on public buildings and in public places.
We regularly remove fly-posting from street furniture, trees and council land and buildings.
Instead of fly-posting, events should be promoted through the media, on social media or by seeking permission to display posters in people’s/businesses windows.
When you make a report
Please provide us with a full description of the incident, including:
- exact location
- date when first seen
- how big it is, what its advertising, any contact details
- if it's obscene or offensive
Fines and enforcement
A fixed penalty notice of £80 will be issued to anyone caught displaying posters illegally.
Multiple or repeat offences may be reported to the courts for prosecution and could carry a fine of £2,500 for each offence.
If you have been issued with an FPN for fly-posting, find out how to pay it.