- Safe neighbourhoods
- Safeguarding children and adults
- Safer Neighbourhoods Initiative (SNI)
- Scrutiny
- Search for services in your area
- Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
- Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP)
- Sheltered housing
- Sheriff of Norwich
- Single person discount (council tax)
- Skateboarding
- Sky lanterns
- Small electrical items collection
- Smoke problem
- Solar Together
- South City Centre Vision and Investment Plan
- Splash pad
- Sponsor a tree
- Sports and activities
- Sports clubs
- Sports directory
- St Andrews Hall
- St Andrews multi-storey car park
- St Giles multi-storey car park
- Statement of accounts
- Street cleaning
- Street lights
- Street nameplates
- Street numbering and naming
- Streets and travel
- Stuff Hubs
- Surface car parks
- Swimming