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Online forms: Specialist Support Referral

The specialist support team works with council tenants to reduce the high risk of eviction and abandonment. The team, work alongside the tenant to increase their ability to manage a healthy tenancy, for the long term.

We are also able to provide support to refugees who have a tenancy, aiming to increase their ability to manage a healthy tenancy, for the long term. This part of our service is tenure neutral.

We do this by:

  • Increasing the tenants feeling of safety within their home and community.
  • Increasing their ability to maintain their home.
  • Stabilising their financial situation and increase their ability to manage their bills including rent payments.
  • Improving their physical and mental health.
  • Increasing their ability to communicate and advocate for themselves.
  • Increasing their support networks – family /friends / services.
  • Increasing their positive use of time.


  • Be a tenant living in a Norwich City Council property or is a refugee with a tenancy, (tenure neutral).
  • Be at high risk of; eviction / abandoning / keeping a healthy tenancy.
  • Tenant requires specialist intervention in order to maintain their tenancy. 


Making the referral

Please do seek to gain consent from the tenant, prior to making the referral. (There are some circumstances where we will accept referrals without consent first). Please complete the online form below. Once you’ve submitted the referral you will receive a reference number for your records.

What happens next?

We discuss new referrals weekly, and if they are accepted for our service the tenant will be allocated a specialist support officer, who will make contact with the tenant and referrer within 10 working days.

The specialist support team may not always be the most appropriate service to work with the tenant, if this is the case, we will always discuss the best way forward and feed this back to the referrer.

If you would like to contact us regarding a referral before completing an online referral form, please contact: or ring 01603 987771.

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