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Consultation closed: Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (2019)

Consultation closed 14 February 2019

The council is in the process of revising the 2015 Affordable housing supplementary planning document (SPD).

Since the 2015 SPD was adopted the government has published a new National Planning Policy Framework (‘NPPF’ 2018) and local evidence on housing need has been updated in the 2017 Central Norfolk Strategic Housing Market Assessment. The SPD has therefore been reviewed to ensure that it complies with relevant national planning policy and guidance and adopted local plan policy. Once finalised the revised SPD will replace the previous adopted SPD (2015) and will supplement Joint Core Strategy policy 4 (housing delivery) and Norwich Local Plan policy DM33 (planning obligations).

Consultation document

Draft supplementary planning document (2019)

The purpose of the draft SPD is to increase the delivery of affordable housing in Norwich to meet the significant level of local need, which is predominantly for affordable rented accommodation.

Key aspects of the draft SPD include a proposed local definition of affordable housing to meet identified needs in Norwich, guidance on on-site provision of affordable housing and when it is appropriate to seek commuted sums for off-site provision, and guidance on viability assessment and the publication of viability information.

How to comment

The consultation commenced on Thursday 17 January and ended at 5pm on Thursday 14 February. Please note that the consultation period was extended by one day (from 13 February) due to technical problems at the start of the consultation period which delayed the webpage going live. The consultation period is now closed so late responses will not be considered.

Consultation responses

No. Consultee Comments
1 Sohelia Moghtader Response 1
2 Cllr Kevin Maguire Response 2
3 Natural England Response 3
4 Norfolk Police Response 4
5 Norfolk County Council Response 5
6 Historic England Response 6
7 Norwich Housing Society Response 7
8 Broads Authority Response 8
9 Lanpro Response 9
10 North Norfolk District Council Response 10
11 Lanpro for SYC Response 11
12 Heathfield Response 12
13 Norwich Older People’s forum Response 13
14 Simeon Jackson Response 14
15 Lanpro for Boudica Response 15
16 Green Party Group Response 16
17 Retirement Housing Consortium Response 17
18 Lanpro for Hopkins Response 18


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Next steps

All consultation comments will be assessed and taken into consideration in a revised version of the SPD to be considered by Cabinet. It is anticipated that the final SPD will be adopted in March 2019.

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