How are we doing?
Norwich City Council is committed to achieving our five priorities set out in the We Are Norwich – A community-led plan for 2024-29. The corporate performance framework that sits alongside the corporate plan helps us to measure progress against these aims. This is done through key performance indicators (KPIs) which are a set of measures that monitor the delivery of services and activities which contribute to us achieving the five priorities.
Corporate performance reporting
A range of performance information is used to monitor Norwich City Council’s performance, which is available using the links on this page.
How to read the reports
Performance reporting for indicators in this report is based around a traffic light system, as set out below.
KPIs by status
Performance has reached a level where we will intervene & agree what action is required to bring it back on target.
Early warning that performance is not on target and action may be required.
Performance is on or above target.
KPIs by direction of progress
Performance has dropped compared with the last quarter/year.
Performance has stayed the same compared with the last quarter/year.
Performance has improved compared with the last quarter/year.
Annual report
Norwich City Council’s Annual Report gives an overview of progress on the KPI’s for 2023-2024, and achievements during the year.
Quarterly performance reports
Quarterly reports on the council’s performance against a range of KPI’s are provided to cabinet to review and note progress, as shown below:
- Corporate Performance Report for Quarter 1, 2024/25
- Corporate Performance Report for Quarter 2, 2024/25
- Corporate Performance Report for Quarter 1, 2023/24
- Corporate Performance Report for Quarter 2, 2023/24
- Corporate Performance Report for Quarter 3, 2023/24
Key performance indicators summary
The table of KPIs provides details on each KPI, how it is calculated, how frequently it is reported and what the target and intervention levels are.
The reports below set out the council's provisional outturn position for the 2023/24 financial year. The reports cover the council's General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) resources and include information in relation to both its revenue and capital position:
- Budget Monitoring Report for Quarter 1, 2023/24
- Budget Monitoring Report for Quarter 2, 2023/24
- Budget Monitoring Report for Quarter 3, 2023/24
- Provisional Outturn for 2023/24
Risk reporting
Risk reporting provides a quarterly update to the council’s corporate risk register, as shown in the reports below: