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The East Norwich development represents a transformative opportunity for regeneration of the east Norwich area and the wider city. It is an ambitious project to create a sustainable new urban quarter for the city, supported by the preparation of a joined-up development masterplan for East Norwich and a commitment to substantial future investment.

About the masterplan

East Norwich presents a regeneration opportunity that will be transformational for the city of Norwich. It is located in close proximity to Norwich’s thriving city centre and adjacent to, and partly within, the Broads National Park, and is comprised of a number of key sites including the Deal Ground/May Gurney site, the Utilities site and Carrow Works.

The area faces many challenges and constraints to development. The masterplan provides an opportunity to look at all the sites together. This will help to ensure a more coordinated approach is taken to meeting these challenges, with the aim being to create an exciting, vibrant, productive and sustainable quarter for the city. New housing, employment and investment will act as a catalyst for regeneration of both East Norwich and the wider city. 

Story so far

Norwich City Council has been committed to maximising the regeneration potential of East Norwich for many years. In 2018 Norwich City Council commissioned a study to explore the opportunities for wider regional regeneration of the sites when the Carrow Works site became available. ‘A Vision for East Norwich’ identifies the release of Carrow Works as presenting a ‘once in a generation’ opportunity to address the challenges of the three sites strategically. 

It sets out a vision for East Norwich as a new productive quarter for the future growth of the city, linking the city centre with Whitlingham Country Park and The Broads National Park network. It envisages that the quarter could provide up to 4,000 new homes and 100,000 square meters of employment space, accommodating up to 6,000 new jobs. 

The Vision for East Norwich forms the starting point for the emerging vision for East Norwich. The emerging vision has also been informed by the GNLP, and is summarised in the adjacent text.

The Carrow Works site has recently become available for redevelopment and there is now a general consensus among the key landowners and developers for the individual sites, and the relevant local planning authorities, that a masterplan should be progressed to ensure comprehensive regeneration of this new urban quarter of the city.

Aerial plan showing East Norwich within the wider city context

"East Norwich will become a highly sustainable new quarter for the City, accommodating substantial housing growth and optimising strategic economic benefits. It will be an inclusive, resilient and safe community in which people of all ages have good access to high quality homes that meet housing needs, and to strategic and local employment opportunities; can interact socially in green spaces and in new community facilities; and have the opportunity for independent, healthy and active lifestyles. The new quarter will link the city centre with the Broads, and deliver exemplar design. The area’s riverside regeneration potential will be maximised to achieve a distinct sense of place with enhanced opportunities for river-based activity.  The site has the ability to facilitate improved public transport, including rail services, which will benefit east Norwich and the city generally."

Image: Aerial plan showing East Norwich within the wider city context

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