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Christmas and New Year closure information

Our offices and phone lines will be closed from 4pm on Tuesday 24 December and will reopen at 9am on Thursday 2 January.

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Private sector housing standards

Housing standards, legislation and other guidance

The private sector housing team works with home owners, landlords and tenants to improve housing conditions in the private sector. There are minimum standards that apply to all housing and the aim of these standards is to ensure that homes are safe to live in. For example, they are warm, energy efficient, have adequate fire safety measures, and do not cause harm or illness to the occupiers. The Housing Act 2004 gives powers to local authorities to enforce these minimum standards.  

To the left are some of the key pieces of legislation applicable to the private rented sector along with other useful guidance, prescribed standards and links. This is not a complete list and it is your responsibility as a landlord or managing and letting agent to ensure that you fully comply with the relevant pieces of legislation. The list is also a useful reference point for tenants living in the private rented sector wishing to clarify what their responsibilities are, what they can expect from their landlord or managing and letting agent and the standards of property being provided.


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